Exploration Technology Development Program

Exploration Technology Development ProgramThe Exploration Technology Development Program (ETDP) develops new technologies that will enable NASA to conduct future human exploration missions, while reducing mission risk and cost. The primary customers of the ETDP are the designers of flight systems in the Constellation Systems Program. By maturing new technologies to the level of demonstration in a relevant environment early enough to support a flight system's Preliminary Design Review (PDR), NASA can significantly reduce both cost and risk.

ETDP is currently maturing near-term technologies to enable first flight of the Orion in 2014, and developing long-lead technologies needed for the lunar exploration missions no later than 2020.

Exploration Technology Development Program Projects

The projects in the ETDP were formulated to address the high priority technology needs for lunar exploration identified by the Exploration Systems Architecture Study (ESAS), with further refinement by the Lunar Architecture Team (LAT). All technology projects are managed at NASA Centers.

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