India Census

The most recent census of India was performed in 2001 for record as of March 1 of that year. It was the 14th census in a continuous series, and the 6th after independence in 1947 (with the exception that census could not be held for Assam in the 1981 and Jammu & Kashmir in 1991). Eight censuses were performed below the British Raj, the first one was carried out throughout the 1860s and completed in 1872. After this, there has been one census each decade starting in 1881.

In 2001 census was conducted in two phases, the first being Housenumbering and Houselisting operations, carried out in May 2000, and the second being population enumeration, carried out from February 9 to 28, 2001. The position time for the census is 1 March, 2001. The itinerant population was enumerated on 28 February. A decisional round was undertaken 1 to 5 March 2001 to account for mutations between the time of visit in February and 1 March.

The entire population calculated for 1 March 2001 was 1,027,015,247, making the 2001 census the first to count more than a billion Indians. The population had increased by 21.34% compared to the 1991 total. The female population had risen by 0.3 percentage points to 48.4%.[11]

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